So always stick to cover as much as you can. Be it, ICTV or Suit, you are not invincible (especially on Mayhem+). Seriously, a lot of builds that players make can fail if you don’t take cover. You can take 6 turrets or 2 med bags and 2 sentry guns. Whatever you wish, but don’t forget you need to kill bulldozers also. And the most importand thing – immortality for 2 secs after armor broke. By the way, anarchist don’t work with turrets. Our armor with help of our weapons will restores very quick, cuc anarcist works very good with fire ammo of shotguns. For damaging enemies you regenerate 10 points with 1,5 secs cooldown. In suit our armor will regenerate 10 points every 2 secs. We gonna use the most weak perk in the game – anarchist, cuz I allready bored to see infiltrators in every lobby.