To be able to hear the sound of your Sylphyo, plug it to your headphones, amp, or any other sound system. However, unlike other wind instruments, the Sylphyo is also sensitive to your movements, as well as the way you touch it, offering novel expressive possibilities. Like them, it is played by blowing into a mouthpiece and selecting notes using keys on the front of the instrument. Sylphyo is an electronic wind instrument that reproduces the feeling of an acoustic wind instrument.

3.5.1 Setting up your SWAM virtual instrument.3.5 Playing the SWAM virtual instruments.3.4 Default MIDI mappings and general recommendations.3.3 Setting up virtual instruments and apps to work with the Sylphyo.

3.2 Quick start with an iOS smartphone or tablet.3.1 Quick start using a Windows or macOS computer.2.6 Elevation, roll, and compass control.Let Hear use your existing speakers to boost your bass. Control the volume and width of the sound coming from your own virtual center-stage for performance-grade audio effects. Speaker Correction Control speaker resonance to increase frequency range and enhance sound. Perfect your sound with Hear's studio quality N-band equalizer with built. You are there with Hear, 3D sound for Mac. Sound will approach you from all angles, even from behind. Like movies? Like'em more with virtual cinema quality sound experience. Once you try Hear you won't be able to go without it. Hear also gives you the ability to customize the sound to your preference with a 10 to 96-band equalizer for your computer. Improve the sound from iTunes and make your music, movies, games or any other application sound amazing. Hear can also add 3D sound and other various special effects to the sound on your computer. Hear improves the sound quality from your headphones, internal or external speakers. Hear is sound enhancement software for the Mac and PC.